We use teamo Pay and for away games we reimburse petrol fees to allocated cars. These days the amount to reimburse can be higher than the match fee.
In old days of cash, that was handled there and then on the match day.
Now being cashless we are struggling to have a easy solution.
Today, I’m having to manually track several players and keep adjusting their match fees until we reach the amount owed over a few weeks..
This is a lot of maintenance to do and it does not reflect real income/outcome reporting as I’m fudging it..
Ideally I’d like to separately create a player credit note. That can be reported etc and does not mess with the match fee value etc.
Reports are easier also as match fees stay simple and the credit note shows what for etc. (maybe credit note types like match fee types etc. )
Would be interesting how other clubs feel on the same.
I simply can’t maintain how much time we have to put into this to keep on top off it..