Add a barcode & membership number to the Membership Card image.
under review
Paul McCarthy
It would be great to give all members a unique Member number & related barcode that would appear on the membership card image so that it could be scanned on till systems to help clubs that may offer members prices in bars etc. Additionally if this was possible the ability to add the membership card to an Apple or Google wallet would be a bonus too.
Lucy Chatwin
under review
I have added this to the feature request list.
Paul McCarthy
Thanks Lucy, much appreciated :-)
Phil Smith
Hi Paul, good ideas
Out of interest which till system would you use that can provide such a link with Teamo?
Paul McCarthy
Hi Phil, currently we use Loyverse PoS system, which as the ability to accept an uploaded membership file, but I believe could integrate to an API too.
Anna Alborough
Great idea, would be really useful