Polls in Chats (like WhatsApp)
Jim Garside (Wilmslow HC)
The poll feature in WhatsApp is great for checking who’s available which days (eg for summer mixed fixtures). Can we get something similar on Teamo chat? We have a squad actively using Teamo Chat (great role model for others in the club) but now switching to WhatsApp again to run simple polls.
Phil Smith
Hoping that the Polls feature will allow us to ask for player availability for a specific day rather than using a team/fixture and that responses will be visible by individual member in the selection module...
Jim Garside (Wilmslow HC)
Any update on this Charlie Gilks? The other comments below show how important (and difficult) it is to have near-equivalent chat features in Teamo to WhatsApp. We are about to switch all chat from WhatsApp to Teamo for Safeguarding and GDPR reasons. We'll be relying 100% on Teamo chat 😬
A simple use case for the poll is Captain asking "how many are staying for teas" - this must be common across all sports. ("Teas - yes/no" could also be an in-Teamo response to Selection message, but a poll like this is probably going to get a quicker response...? And versatile for other purposes!)
Charlie Gilks
Jim Garside (Wilmslow HC): Hi Jim, We've got a planned start date on this feature of Feb 24. We agree that this will be an important addition to the Teamo platform, it's just quite technically intricate to add and there are other features ahead of it in the Roadmap. I will provide you another update when work begins on this feature!
Charlie Gilks
This feature is planned as part of our Teamo Roadmap. We hope that this will facilitate conversation through our platform as opposed to users conversing through other channels.
Ian Wells
Charlie Gilks: Great News
Ian Wells
Investing some more attention and effort towards improving Teamo's chat feature would prove to be a valuable investment. Especially among the Junior age group of 11-18, they perceive Teamo's chat and notification system as less cool in comparison to social media platforms like SnapChat and Instagram. Based on my experience, the instant messaging arena among Teamo users appears to be quite fragmented.
Dave Yates
This is a great idea. I guess we’re all in the same boat with the prevalent use of WA in all our lives - with the constant risk of members falling back into ‘old habits’. Comms and messaging functionality (and their ease / intuitive nature) is a huge part of Teamo engagement so any work on this would be a big plus 👍